Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cut Your Risk Of An Accident:

Safety is always a concern while driving, especially if you're a "family-hauler". Fortunately Women-Drivers has some tips that can help you avoid a collision, and keep you on the road:

There are an estimated 250 million vehicles on U.S. roads today. This is a recipe for more traffic jams and longer commutes which can lead to shorter tempers. Read the following tips and live by them – they will make a difference to your well-being while in the car, as well as others who are on the road with you.

-Be cognizant: When driving, remain aware of others around you. Do not get sucked into a situation that can lead to unsafe behavior or triggering an emotional dispute with another driver.

-Be generous: When in traffic and someone wants to cut in front of you, let them. You getting to your exit, through the tunnel or to the toll gate one car length behind, will not greatly impact your arrival time at all. It will, however, insure your getting there safely.

Did You Know?
Listening to soft or quiet music, intentional breathing, hands-free driving and leaving on time all make a difference in reducing stress while driving in heavy traffic which allows you to maintain good judgement while on the road.

-Be spacious: Do not tailgate. Leave plenty or room between you and the car ahead of you – even if the driver behind you is tailgating.

-Be consistent: When driving in a highly trafficked area, attempt to maintain the car at a steady speed. Do not drive at inconsistent speeds to pass someone unsafely or to ‘get away’ from another vehicle.

-Be present: Phone calls, incoming texts, makeup or children can all be a distraction to you. All of these can impact your driving. Stay present to your driving responsibility as well as the driving responses of others.

-Be schooled: For many adult drivers, the last time they took a drivers education class was when they got their driver’s license. How many years ago was that? Through local continuing adult refresher classes, enroll yourself in a program to see what is new as well as get a refresher on some things you may have forgotten.

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